Below is the code for the Window Form in the Demo1 Example.

(1): Expose "ghost" variables to Apple iOS Devices. You are free to name the "ghost" variables. In the above code, two "ghost" variable named "row array" and "selected item" are exposed for a "ghost" view named "my dynamic section." Later you may tie a "ghost" variable to iOS Device tap action.

(2): You may link a "ghost" variable to a real Windows variable. When a "ghost" variable value change, it fires an event. Subscribe to this event so you can update the corresponding real variable in the code.

(3a) and (3b): When a real variable value changes, you need to update the change for the "ghost" variable. In (3a) the textBox1 is linked to the "row array" and textBox2 is linked to the "selected item," respectively.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Demo_1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        const string myViewName = "my dynamic section";
        const string dataName_rowArray = "row array";
        const string dataName_selectedItem = "selected item";
        public Form1()
            textBox1.Text = "Apple; Orange; Banana";
            //1. Expose all the variables --------------------
            //exposed and update variable dataName_rowArray (corresponds to the table rows on iOS devices)
(1)            INFOMATO.WCF.DataExchangeService.(myViewName, dataName_rowArray, "");
            //expose variable name selected_item (corresponds to what you tap on Apple's i-Devices)
            INFOMATO.WCF.DataExchangeService.(myViewName, dataName_selectedItem, "");

            //2. Subscribe to the event when an action takes place on Apple's i-Devices.
(2)            INFOMATO.WCF.DataExchangeService.clientSetData_ID_Event +=
                new INFOMATO.WCF.DataExchangeService.ClientSetData_ID_Delegate(DataExchangeService_clientSetData_ID_Event);
        //event handler for the INFOMATO.WCF.DataExchangeService.clientSetData_ID_Event
        void DataExchangeService_clientSetData_ID_Event(string clientIP, string viewName, string dataName, object dataValue, long processID)

            if (viewName == myViewName && dataName == dataName_selectedItem)
                UpdateTextGUIObject(textBox2, (string)dataValue);
        //event handler for the textbox1 when its value changes
        private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

(3a)             INFOMATO.WCF.DataExchangeService.servicePostData(myViewName, dataName_rowArray, textBox1.Text);
        //UIThread safe procedure to update UI parameters
        private void UpdateTextGUIObject(object guiObject, string stringValue)
            //check it the thread is a UI thread
            if (this.InvokeRequired) //not UI thread
                MethodInvoker del = delegate
                    UpdateTextGUIObject(guiObject, stringValue);
            else //Yes, it is UI thread
                if (guiObject is TextBox)
                    ((TextBox)guiObject).Text = stringValue;

        //event handler for the textbox2 when its value changes.

        private void textBox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
(3b)             INFOMATO.WCF.DataExchangeService.(myViewName, dataName_selectedItem, "");
